Digital Impact Assessment

SAP licensing was traditionally based on named users and direct access to SAP products.

But in modern business environments, SAP systems are often accessed indirectly by humans, devices, or applications via non-SAP intermediary software. This indirect or digital access affects the licensing model SAP customers use.

Xactitud provides an in-depth assessment of the impact digital access has on licensing with guidance on the most appropriate and cost-effective model for your organisation.

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What is SAP Digital Access / SAP Indirect Access?

The modern workplace has seen a rise in access to the SAP digital core by non-SAP software, including applications, bots or sensors. This has resulted in a need for a new pricing model that charges for documents created in SAP by indirect processes, rather than by counting licensed users. Examples of these documents include orders, invoices, and timesheets and it only charges for document creation, not for read access, updating or deletion.

While SAP digital access allows for more flexible and modern usage of SAP systems, it introduces significant challenges in monitoring, managing, and predicting licensing costs and compliance.

Knowing whether you need digital access licensing is the first step. Depending on the scope of your existing SAP licensing, you will likely need it if you have non-SAP applications accessing your SAP systems to create documents, a high volume of indirect transactions, or a complex integration environment.


Licence Model Options
You may not know whether you need to migrate to the Digital Access model. Get clarity on which license model is the best fit to reduce your costs while ensuring you remain compliant.
Licence Utilisation
Understand whether licences already paid for are being used, if they can be converted, and ascertain the volume of indirect access licensing needed to ensure entitlements aren’t wasted.
Monitoring Exposure
Reduce risk and cost exposure by monitoring the number of documents created to ensure Digital Access licensing isn’t under or overused.
Commercial Impact
Ensure your chosen licensing model aligns with the overall business strategy, factoring in future plans for automation and third-party integrations, as well as planned growth.
Get clarity on whether you need Digital Access licensing & how best to structure it. Give us a call.

Xactitud’s Digital Impact Assessment provides clarity and fact-based findings to help you make the right licensing decisions.

  • Configure reports generated directly from SAP or via an independent license management tool to ensure accurate output.
  • Assess the status of the SAP Passport support package to determine the reliability of the output.
  • Compare information (diagrams, spreadsheets, interviews) about third-party (non-SAP software) software to the Digital Core against report output.
  • Segregate SAP-created vs. non-SAP-created documents, followed by a further segregation of created vs. subsequent documents.
  • In parallel, map core business processes to user profiles indirectly accessing the SAP Software functionality; map transactional vs. master data usage and identify static read use cases.
  • Determine cost-effective named user license types and license re-allocation opportunities as necessary.
  • Provide detailed comparative analysis between Legacy and Document licence options, considering contract conversion types, DAAP options, license re-allocation and existing negotiated contractual terms.
  • Simulate future use cases to factor in future growth and give guidance on the classification of interfaces, User IDs, and Bots for ongoing management.


Right-size your Licences
Only pay for what you use without putting your organisation at risk of non-compliance.
Optimal Licence Model
Whether you move to Digital Access, convert existing licences or stick with your current licensing agreement, find the optimal licensing model to meet your organisational needs.
Optimal Commercial Model
Beyond costs, the optimal model will take your overall business goals into account so that you plan licensing with commercial objectives in mind.
Control Techniques
Tracking the creation of documents that fall under Digital Access is complex particularly in highly integrated systems. Get monitoring controls in place to track usage.


We’ve outsourced licensing advisory projects to Xactitud for several years and counting now. During this time, our clients have been very happy with the services provided and almost always, there are multiple upsells. Xactitud delivers a high level of customer satisfaction to our customers who in turn inform us how delighted they are with both the quality of the service and the commercial successes negotiated.
You did a great job for … and you deliver and own. That’s what we require here !
Customer, Energy Sector
Sharon’s commitment to delivering a first-class product is only matched by her desire to provide an extraordinary customer experience. Xactitud has sparked an energy and customer awareness which is without parallel in our industry. Our customers consistently look to her for innovation and support, which she never fails to provide.
I would highly recommend this business; their service is extremely efficient and has resulted in clean outcomes for multiple SAP license audits. They have a strong commitment to customer satisfaction and success; I was impressed by their commitment to going the extra mile and ensuring every query no matter how small was answered with detail every time. Communication with them is always clear and transparent, helping us understand and navigate SAP licensing and its complexity, they are also flexible and adaptable which is essential to our changing business needs.
Customer, Entertainment Sector
Keen to get the show on the road? Give Xactitud a call today.