Derived from the word eXactitude:
the quality of precision, exactness and accuracy
Xactitud is a specialist SAP service provider exclusively focused on providing SAP customers with licensing optimisation services for SAP solutions.
We look at your SAP environment holistically and provide assessments and recommendations across any or all of these three pillars:
We ensure the ladder is stacked against the right wall and that your organisational objectives are fulfilled.
We ensure the agreements entered into reflect your roadmap for tomorrow, in a cost-optimised, risk-mitigated way.
We provide exhaustive assessment of your environment to ensure an optimal solution stack is sized for your S4 migration.
Collectively, our consultants have delivered projects in 40+ countries across 4 continents during their careers across a range of sectors. But all our customers want to achieve at least one of the following:
Squeeze value out of their existing SAP licenses or right-size their requirements for new projects.
Embark on an SAP transformation project
Seek clarity and transparency on their SAP license portfolio
Think of Xactitud as the team you call when you want independent, specialist knowledge and hands on experience with pragmatic solutions that work.
Xactitud builds its modular-based solutions into a customised package, tailored to your requirements and expectations.
Xactitud takes a hands-on approach with the SAP customers it supports. Our specialists roll up their sleeves and provide all the support you need throughout your SAP transformation journey.
Unlike big SIs or SAM consultants, we don’t try to be all things to all people. We specialise exclusively in SAP. This means we can move fast without bureaucracy.
Xactitud injects a dollop of realism into the solutions and outcomes it delivers for SAP customers, enabling them to forecast ROI and SAP software costs accurately.
It’s normal to encounter problems and risks but leaving them unsolved is not good business. For every business challenge identified, Xactitud provides solutions and a path forward.
Xactitud translates product marketing and complex technical details into plain speaking, pragmatic advice and solutions to make better SAP decisions.